Author: webdev

While it is not unheard of to see several different types of roaches inside, only a few are capable of actually infesting a home. Roaches that nest outside, including American, Oriental and Smoky Brown require high moisture content in their environment. These roaches generally do not reproduce inside and therefore […]

In addition to Punxsutawney Phil and Birmingham Bill, there have been various signs that seem to indicate an early Spring. A number of Spring flowering bulbs have been blooming for several weeks, and we have firsthand knowledge of at least one flying squirrel that has had her babies already. Before […]

  While an unfinished attic may not be comfortable to us, to a flying squirrel it’s the Penthouse at the Ritz. Because flying squirrels can glide 30 feet or more, and only need a one inch gap for access, they are common attic invaders. Since they are not territorial, it’s […]

After several years of participating in local Home & Garden Expos we are ready to dip our toes in the big pond so to speak. We have reserved a spot for the Birmingham Home & Garden Show to be held at the BJCC February 14th – 17th, 2013. Our booth […]

No one likes unwanted guests in their home; especially the four legged kind. When the weather changes, mice and rats are looking for a warmer place to call home, which means they may choose to settle inside yours, if they can find a way in. A little prevention goes a […]

With true Christmas weather here at last, many homeowners will be cranking up the fire place in the weeks to come. As you venture toward the wood pile to collect the evenings fuel, keep in mind you may bring in more than you bargained for. Many pests of the four, […]

I imagine many homeowners will take advantage of the 70 degree weather this weekend to catch up on some yard work. For all those weekend gardeners I’d like to mention several things to keep in mind for minimizing a pest problem in the coming months. Mulch levels in excess of […]

Imagine, if you can, that your extended family (ie parents, siblings, grandparents, ants, uncles, cousins, etc.) has lived on the same property for generations. As the family outgrows the existing home, a new room or even a whole wing is simply added on to accommodate the growth. Now imagine an […]

Okay, the bad news first …. we’ve had a late start getting this year’s Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure team together. Now, the good news ……this year’s team shows promise of being our largest group yet!! We already have 16 team members committed to this worthy cause and […]

Our Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol, Inc. staff had a great time at the Home and Garden Show in Pelham this past weekend. We greatly appreciate everyone who stopped by to chat and register for our door prizes. Our mascot “Charlie” put in an appearance and, judging by the number of […]