Author: webdev

Now that temperatures have started (somewhat) to drop, many homeowners are attempting to venture into the yard for a little outdoor fun. Some families are finding their “fun in the sun” curtailed when they are literally chased back indoors by mosquitoes. To increase your chance of enjoying the great outdoors, […]

Rainy days are perfect for most ant species and none more so than Carpenter Ants. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t damage sound wood; they do however excavate water damaged wood to provide a colony with living space. When rain causes damage to roofs, eaves, windows, chimney chases and doorways, their […]

Spring always seems like the perfect time to start some long anticipated projects around the home. I imagine this is why The Greater Birmingham Association of Home Builders has scheduled the second annual Building and Remodeling Expo for this month. The place to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday March 23rd […]

Many home owners have been seeing what appears to be an invasion of mosquitoes on steroids. Even though these insects resemble giant mosquitoes, they are actually Crane Flies. However, unlike mosquitoes, Crane Flies do not bite. Some species don’t have mouth parts and the ones that do are only used […]

You have honored Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol by allowing us into your home to serve your pest control needs. We would like to invite you into our “home” for an open house/employee retirement celebration complete with refreshments and door prizes. We hope you’ll have time to stop by our office […]

Many homeowners bring their patio plants indoors for the winter and may now be searching for the spider responsible for the webbing they see. Chances are the webbed over leaves are the work of mites, however, not spiders. Two-spotted spider mites are a common pest causing discoloration, and eventual […]

Now that we’ve had several below freezing evening temperatures, some green-thumbed homeowners have brought their potted plants indoors for the Winter. Depending on how long the outdoor plants have been indoors, homeowners may be seeing tiny, slow-moving flying insects. Several species of small flies can set up housekeeping in the […]

Many homeowners are taking advantage of the cooler temperatures by putting their fireplaces back in business. While little is as heart warming as an old fashioned wood fire, they can be potentially dangerous due to more than just the occasional spark. That firewood pile that’s been in the yard for […]

This little guy was our latest detainee. He decided to make himself at home without being invited. Don’t be fooled by that cute little face, however…he can be MEAN! Raccoons, as with many animals, will take advantage of attic space in homes or buildings. They are looking for the same […]

This time of year in Alabama is especially beautiful with the trees dressed in their best fall colors. Once the trees decide to let go of their fall finery though and the leaves start piling up on the ground it’s important for homeowners to brave the elements and grab a […]