Author: webdev

That noise you hear is not a ringing in your ears…in fact it’s crickets. During the summer months crickets come out of their overwintering spots and unfortunately start to wreak havoc on your home or business. The two most common species that we deal with in the home is the […]

If you haven’t been invaded by millipedes yet, consider yourself fortunate. Millipedes are a seasonal pest which have made their annual return in a big way. Months of rain have provided moisture and food to a number of uncommon pests that only occur following specific weather conditions. According to Dr. […]

A special thank you goes out to all the customers who responded to our request for feedback on their technician. We truly appreciate all your input and shared the most common themes of your responses at our last company meeting. The technicians who tied for the highest number of positive […]

Yes, as a matter of fact, unfortunately Ma’am, those are termites…not flying ants. Hopefully you never have to hear those words, however, as the weather warms up and the rains become more frequent, so do the activity levels of most pests….especially termites. During the winter termites go deep under ground […]

It’s that time of the year again, and you may already be noticing some ant beds beginning to pop up. With the recent addition of a couple of warm days here and there, the fire ants have begun to get active again. During the winter, fire ants go deep under […]

As the temperatures outside drop, it’s time for many of us to change to our winter wardrobes. Unfortunately when opening our cedar chests we might find that a sweater which was in perfectly good condition suddenly resembles Swiss cheese. Okay maybe Swiss cheese is an exaggeration, but you might find […]

While records show Sugarcane Beetles have been around since before the Civil War they have gone largely unnoticed in our area until recently. This ½ inch robust black beetle is currently causing a nuisance around a number of structures. Because they fly at night and are strongly attracted to lights […]

Ordinarily lady beetles are not a nuisance; they feed on ornamental pests like aphids and whiteflies and are considered by some to be good luck. In the winter however they search out nesting sites, including our homes that protect them from cold weather. Lady beetles are especially attracted to buildings […]

As the temperatures change and we change wardrobes our chances of encountering Brown Recluse Spiders increase. As the name implies these spiders prefer undisturbed areas in out of the way places, like boxes in attics, closets or basements where we store winter clothes in the summer and vice versa. To […]

You just walked in after a well-deserved, relaxing vacation and all of a sudden, you and your family are “attacked” by fleas. Adult fleas are stimulated by movement, and typically this movement is in reference to the host from which the fleas are feeding on (cat, dog, etc…). When a […]