Author: webdev

So, the rumor is that Fall is approaching….well, we’ll believe that when we see it, right?! It’s still a million degrees out, but soon (HOPEFULLY) it will begin to cool off a bit, and now that we offer our Lawn Management program, it would be the perfect time to start […]

Temperatures are rising and Spring is in full bloom. This of course means so are insects and insect populations, including a variety of flying insects. The past couple of weeks, we have received numerous calls from concerned customers and non-customers about the presence of flying insects that they fear may […]

Back in the Spring, we at Mr. Bugg’s were excited to announce that we now offer LAWN MANAGEMENT!! Hundreds of customers who already trust us to protect their homes from pests and other invaders also now trust us to keep their lawns looking beautiful all year round. Our professional Lawn […]

Even though it’s “technically” Fall, the temperatures outside don’t reflect it…yet. Word on the street, however, is that cooler weather is (thankfully) on the way! With that in mind, many “outdoor” pests may decide that indoors is the place to be. One of those outdoor pests that we contend with […]

With the heat coming in full force the last couple of weeks, it certainly feels as though we went straight from Winter to Summer overnight. And some recent showers have added to the overall mugginess as well. The showers, which are necessary for food production, lush lawns and colorful flower […]

We at Mr. Bugg’s are excited to announce that we are now offering LAWN MANAGEMENT!! Whether you are dealing with weeds or insects in your lawn, we have the expertise needed to handle any issues you may be having. Our professional Lawn Management program will consist of 8 treatments throughout […]

When it comes to owning a home, we’ve all heard the saying that “our house is our biggest asset,” and therefore there are many things that us as homeowners have to do to protect that asset. This includes protecting your home from things like tornados, floods, hail and any other […]

This time of year, pests will begin to start the process of overwintering. Overwintering is an insect’s natural way of preparing itself to survive the upcoming colder temperatures. This may include both physical and biological preparations. In the case of some insects and animals, this could involve migration, which is […]

After a long and illustrious career here at Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol, Inc, our very own Dwight Kirby has decided it’s time to hang up his “bug killin shoes.” Dwight began with our company back in 2002, and he originally started working in our office doing various jobs such as […]

This time of year it’s very common to be outside and see a spider scurry across the grass. Our first reaction, of course, is to scream and jump out of the way, but a common second reaction is to assume that it’s a brown recluse spider when, in fact, it’s […]