Author: webdev

Over the past couple of months, we have slowly been rolling out a new bundle opportunity to our customers. As technology has increased, so has the demand for convenience. Long gone (or for the most part) are the days of writing checks for every bill…every month. Automatic billing, online banking, […]

With the recent rain that we have experienced, springtime is in full swing and summer is just around the corner. The showers, which are necessary for food production, lush lawns and colorful flower beds, also bring about the reproductive stage of many insects. Particularly ants and termites. During this time […]

For those of you that know Harry Slagle, this will come as no shock to you…but Harry has been promoted to Supervisor at our Pelham location! Harry has been with Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol since April of 2000, and in that time, he has proven himself to be an invaluable […]

It is with bittersweet emotion that we say goodbye and farewell to our very own Susan Taylor today. Since 1990, Susan has been a regular face here at Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol, Inc., and today she has decided it is time to “hang up her bug-stompin’ shoes.” After much deliberation, […]

Well, it’s winter out there, and it sure is col…..uhh, well, maybe not! The past week or so after the “ice storm” has been unseasonably warm…even borderline hot! It seems as soon as it gets cold for a couple of days, it goes right back to warmer temperatures causing some […]

Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock, and behind the fridge, and under the stove ……. you get the picture. Mice often make their way into our homes this time of year because of the drop in temperatures and the changes in their outdoor food sources. Although considered […]

The term “waterbug” is frequently used in reference to roaches but the question is …. which roach is the speaker referring to? The term has been used in reference to german roaches which are frequently found around the sink or dishwasher. The term has also been used in reference to […]

Although you would never guess it to be true by the current temperatures, Thanksgiving, Christmas and, hopefully, “sweater weather” are all just around the corner. For many homeowners these events will trigger forays into attics, closets or storage sheds in search of decorations and winter clothing. Before you dive head […]

The cooler temperatures have tempted many homeowners to start work on long awaited landscaping projects outdoors. Whether grabbing a pencil for the planning stage or diving right in, one very important factor to consider is what materials will be used for borders or retaining walls. A word of caution to […]

Now that cool Autumn nights are finally here, many homeowners are rifling through storage areas in search of nice comfy blankets. As we drag out the winter quilts and clothing, keep in mind that many outdoor pests are also looking for insulation against dropping temperatures. Although we require man-sized (or […]