Author: webdev

Termites are one of nature’s many “recyclers” of dead wood, which make them a very beneficial insect as a whole. The problem with this pest develops when they decide to turn their attention to recycling our homes which are, of course, made of …. dead wood. Termites, and in fact […]

Between the dropping temperatures and ongoing drought, many “outdoor” pests have decided indoors is the place to be. These unfavorable conditions are responsible for an increase in American Roach sightings in basements, kitchens, laundry rooms, bathrooms and on and on. American Roaches are the species commonly referred to as “large […]

Many homeowners are bird lovers who keep seed filled feeders in the yard. Watching our feathered friends stop by for a meal is certainly enjoyable but …. have you ever wondered who is eating from the feeder at night? For a hint think squirrel without the bushy tail …. that’s […]

Everyone loves Lady Bugs; in fact many people even believe it is good luck to have one land on you. Because Lady Bugs eat aphids, and other insects that attack plants, some homeowners are delighted to have Lady Bugs in their gardens. The problem develops when Lady Bugs invade our […]

Red Velvet Ants could easily be mistaken for Alabama fans sporting a fall sweater in their team color. As the name implies they can also easily be mistaken for ants when they are in fact wasps. Adult Red Velvet Ants are slightly smaller than an inch, have black legs and […]

Camel Crickets often jump toward a perceived threat in an attempt to scare it away. Other types of crickets use their wings to make a chirping noise, but Camel Crickets are wingless and therefore “chirpless”. Put these two factors together and it’s no wonder so many homeowners have had a […]

Talk about the ultimate in parental sacrifices, these parents don’t even eat. In fact, the sole purpose of each couples adult life is to create the next generation. The sole purpose of their offspring is to eat …. how unfair is that!!! Many homeowners are playing host to this very […]

For a number of years homeowners have been able to access helpful tips regarding pests and pest control through the Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol website. We are pleased to announce a new feature on our website that, we hope, may become a very valuable resource! This new feature, which provides […]

Asian cockroaches are almost identical to German cockroaches, but the species can be confirmed through a chemical analysis by gas chromatography. “Here, let me take a look and we’ll see which it is … oh, sorry …. I must have left my gas chromatographer in my other purse.” Asian cockroaches […]

Ants continue to top Birmingham’s “Most Wanted” list …. most wanted DEAD that is. Ant colonies are considered super organisms because they act as a unified entity, working together to support the colony. Ant societies have division of labor, communication between individuals, and the ability to solve even complex problems. […]