Author: webdev

Along with the usual fall flowers, many lawns seem to be sprouting ant mounds the past few weeks. Driving along some road ways it seems ant hills are popping up every few feet. The truth is the ants were already there, just hidden mostly under ground. The recent rains have […]

Temperatures start dropping ….check; football season starts ….check; leaves begin changing colors …. check; mice move indoors …. che….wait, mice what??? Yes, unfortunately it’s true. Just as cooler temperatures, football kick-offs and leaves dropping from the trees is inevitable, so too is mice looking for a way to move indoors. […]

While performing a wild life trap check this morning, we found something unexpected. This poor little thing had wandered away from home, found his way into our trap and was impatiently waiting for us. A nearby veterinarian estimates him/her to be between 6 and 8 months old. Found off of […]

For years many drivers traveling through Pelham have observed our office at 3179 Lee Street between the railroad tracks. After almost 15 years at our current building, Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol will soon be moving to another location. As is the case with most moves, we are both dreading and […]

Ants have had millions of years to evolve and need no help from humans to survive. Many homeowners however are enabling ants not only to survive, but to actually thrive. Moisture is a factor contributing to the health of an ant colony, so any steps to minimize moisture will help […]

For an opportunity to see the latest in design trends and to meet the building and remodeling professionals who can make your dream home a reality, the place to be is The Building and Remodeling Expo. This event, hosted by the Greater Birmingham Association of Home Builders, will take place […]

We are frequently questioned about what affect the cold weather and snow has on insects that could cause problems for homeowners. As this picture illustrates, livings things, including insects, WILL adapt and survive. Because many insects naturally have a dormant period, they can very easily outlast the brief cold periods […]

Although some people consider mice so adorable you can find them for sale at local pet stores, when a mouse finds a way into our homes uninvited, it’s far from cute! Homeowners can be subject to a mouse invasion any time of the year but, they are most commonly experienced […]

Although looking for good deals is a great idea, sometimes you can get more than you bargained for. Second hand furniture for example can have “added benefits” that a purchaser would be much better off without. The table and chairs or china cabinet that seems like a good buy, can […]

Many homeowners have been experiencing a problem with uninvited visitors over the past weeks. Unlike holiday guests, who eventually go home on their own, these four legged visitors may be here for the long run. Opossum are nocturnal and eat a wide variety of food including pet food, bird or […]