It’s Beginning To Sound A Lot Like Christmas!!!

It’s Beginning To Sound A Lot Like Christmas!!!

ThanksgivingIt’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner already. Since several local radio stations have started playing Christmas music, I thought now would be a good time for our annual spider reminder blog.  Prior to retrieving the holiday decorations from the attic, basement, shed, crawlspace etc., remember to don long sleeves and gloves.

Brown Recluse spiders, as the name implies, prefer to hide in out of the way places that are not frequently disturbed. While our holiday decorations have been enjoying some time off, spiders may have decided to model last years’ fashions in stockings.    Wearing long sleeves and gloves while carefully inspecting the outside and inside of boxes before unpacking will minimize the chances of a spider bite.

When repacking decorations for storage after the holiday season has passed, securely tape the boxes closed and store them away from the wall to limit hiding places for spiders.

From our Mr. Bugg’s family to yours, happy decorating, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!!
