What they look like
Adult Bed Bugs are approximately 3/16 of an inch long and 1/8 of an inch wide. They are brown or reddish brown and flat before feeding. After feeding a bed bug will turn bright red and the abdomen will swell.

Where to look for them
Bed bugs have been reported in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia and Africa. During the day bed bugs prefer to hide in cracks and crevices as close to their food source as possible. Bed bug harborage sites include bed frames, head boards or foot boards, mattresses, box springs, night stands, etc.
What they eat
Bed bugs feed exclusively on blood and prefer humans but will also feed on birds, rodents or other mammals. Bed bug are nocturnal but will also feed during the day in subdued lighting situations.
Signs of a bed bug infestation include small “rusty” colored stains on bedding or in cracks and crevices which are caused by bed bugs extruding part of their meal in their hiding space and/or during their next meal.
Other information
The bite of a bed bug is typically painless and usually undiscovered during feeding. The reaction from a bed bug bite can vary depending on the frequency and intensity of bites and includes no reaction at all to an inflamed spot that itches.
A bed bug must have a blood meal to complete each stage of it’s life and for production of eggs. A bed bug can survive for months without a blood meal and can live for 316 days under normal conditions with an adequate food supply.
Other names for bed bugs include wallpaper flounders, mahogany flats, red coats and wall louse.
A bed bug must have a blood meal to complete each stage of it’s life and for production of eggs. A bed bug can survive for months without a blood meal and can live for 316 days under normal conditions with an adequate food supply.
Other names for bed bugs include wallpaper flounders, mahogany flats, red coats and wall louse.