Building and Remodeling Expo

Building and Remodeling Expo

The Greater Birmingham Association of Home Builders is putting on it’s first annual Building and Remodeling Expo.  It will be held at the Pelham Civic Complex beginning Thursday March 24th through Sunday March 27th. 

We will be in attendance through the weekend sponsoring a booth!  Come join us as we and several local vendors display the products and services that we provide to you, the general public.  In these current economic times, buying or selling may not be the right option for many people, so they have turned to remodeling or expanding their current home. 

This event will help those people see what new and innovative products are available to them as they go through that process.  For those of you who ARE in the market to buy or sell a home, the expo will have plenty of valuable information for you as well! 

There will be plenty of food and drinks as well as tons of door prizes and other goodies.  Feel free to come and go as you please.  We look forward to seeing all of you there, and if you do, stop by and say “Hello”….we would love to personally offer our gratitude for your business over these past 30 years.  See you there!!!

Are you prepared for the attack???….
