Extra Protein In The Corn Bread?

Extra Protein In The Corn Bread?

Talk about the ultimate in parental sacrifices, these parents don’t even eat. In fact, the sole purpose of each couples adult life is to create the next generation.  The sole purpose of their offspring is to eat …. how unfair is that!!!

Many homeowners are playing host to this very dysfunctional “family” and may not even be aware of it …. yet. The worst of this situation is that while they may not eat much, once they do start eating, what is left isn’t fit for consumption.

If you have ever opened a package of corn bread mix and found suspect webbing and unsettling movement inside the box, you probably know where this is going. The presence of Indian Meal Moth larvae can certainly make a cook lose their appetite.

Indian Meal Moth larvae are approximately 5/8 inch long and usually dirty white in color, but may also be pinkish or greenish. Adult Indian Meal Moths are approximately 5/8 inch long with bi-colored tan and copper wings.

Almost nothing in the pantry is safe from Indian Meal Moths as their diet includes grain products, dried fruit, seeds, candy, chocolate, crackers and nuts. Indian Meal Moth larvae are also frequently found eating bird seed, dried pet food, dried red peppers and dried flower arrangements.

In order to “evict” this stored product pest, a very thorough inspection of any food related product is essential, even unopened packages. Any suspect items should be disposed of followed by a thorough vacuuming and wipe down of the pantry or food cabinets.  Even one missed Indian Meal Moth infested package will make this an unwinnable battle.

If you should be experiencing a problem with Indian Meal Moths, or any other pest, please contact Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol today for an evaluation.

