Formosan Termite Alert

Formosan Termite Alert

Formosan TermiteThe month of May is anticipated by many in order to honor Mothers; however, the month of May also marks the beginning of the Formosan Subterranean Termite swarm season in Alabama.

Formosan termites have the potential to cause more destruction than our native subterranean termites.  Their colonies are much larger than native colonies and Formosan termites, if provided access to water, may build aerial nests which can make them much more difficult to control.

Formosan termites swarm in the evening around sunset and can be distinguished from flying ants by the absence of the pinched waistline typical to ants.  In addition the termites’ wings extend nearly twice the length of their body, while the ants’ wings are usually only slightly longer than their body.

Please call Mr. Bugg’s for a free evaluation of your termite and all other pest control needs!!
