Giant Mutant Mosquitoes??

Giant Mutant Mosquitoes??

As the weather is shifting from cold to warm, many insects are beginning to make their presence known….specifically flying insects.  A lot of home owners have been experiencing an invasion of what appears to be mosquitoes on steroids. Every time you open a door, the draft pulls them in, then, once they are inside the house, they seem to “bounce” all over the walls or ceiling as you desperately try to grab them with a paper towel or suck them up with your vacuum….yeah, you know the ones we are talking about!  They are annoying for sure, but even though these insects resemble giant mosquitoes, they are actually Crane Flies.

Crane Flies are often referred to as “mosquito hawks” with the common misconception being that they feed on mosquitoes.  If only that were true… Crane Flies do not bite, and in fact some lack mouth parts altogether, which is great for us when they get in our house, but not so great when it comes to helping with the mosquito population.

Crane Flies are actually similar to mosquitoes in that they require an aquatic or damp area to lay their eggs and for larval development.  They tend to congregate around porches and patios because they are attracted to light. Fortunately, they typically only have one generation per year, making them more of a nuisance during their short life span rather than a chronic pest. However, because crane flies require water or a damp environment for their life cycle, just as mosquitoes do, if you are experiencing high volumes of crane flies, then you may be a prime candidate for a mosquito invasion as well.

Contact our office today to schedule a FREE evaluation to determine if the conditions around your home may be conducive to mosquitoes.
