Spring Is In The Air …. And Fire Ants Are In The Yard

Spring Is In The Air …. And Fire Ants Are In The Yard

In addition to Punxsutawney Phil and Birmingham Bill, there have been various signs that seem to indicate an early Spring.  A number of Spring flowering bulbs have been blooming for several weeks, and we have firsthand knowledge of at least one flying squirrel that has had her babies already. 

Before long the kids, both young and young at heart, will want to play outside and enjoy the great outdoors.  Just one fire ant mound in the yard however, could bring the fun to a screeching halt.  A single fire ant mound can contain more than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND fire ants, and this could potentially be very dangerous for a small child or pet. 

Mr. Bugg’s offers an application which provides a guaranteed, fire ant free yard, for 12 full months.  The sooner the application is performed the sooner you and the kids can enjoy worry-free family time outdoors.   

Call today for your FREE Evaluation!                      
