Tips For Weekend Gardeners

Tips For Weekend Gardeners

I imagine many homeowners will take advantage of the 70 degree weather this weekend to catch up on some yard work.  For all those weekend gardeners I’d like to mention several things to keep in mind for minimizing a pest problem in the coming months. 

Mulch levels in excess of 2 inches provide a perfect harborage, and possible food source, for a number of insects including roaches, silverfish, earwigs, crickets and etc.  The same is true of fallen leaves so remember to check all the out of the way places, corners, gutters and fence lines for leaf accumulation. 

Those planning to stock firewood for the coming months would benefit by finding a spot away from the house to stack this year’s supply.  Firewood stacked near the house is conducive to a termite infestation in addition to providing harborage for insects and mice.  The closer the harborage is to the home the more apt the insects and rodents are to make it their home as well.
