Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects on the planet because they carry several deadly diseases that have plagued humanity. Malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile virus, Zika, and encephalitis are all transmitted by them. And if not treated, each of these diseases is lethal.
They prefer warm and moist environments, and with the Southeast expecting a wet spring, it is past time for residents to prepare, as mosquito populations are expected to skyrocket.
So, do you see how critical it is that we all look into mosquito reduction?
But, before we get to the methods, let’s take a look at the various types.
Types of Mosquitoes
Culex Mosquitoes
Culex mosquitoes are summer mosquitoes that feed on human blood and enjoy the warm weather. Culex mosquitoes come in various colors, including grey, white, silver, green, and those with a blueish tinge to their skin. They have antennas and six legs, and they have a narrow and oval-like shape. They can be found throughout the United States.
Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
The bodies of these mosquitoes are distinctively white and colored. They are long and segmented, with pairs of wings, antennas, and six legs. This genus is well-known for transmitting the Zika virus, Chikungunya, dengue fever, and encephalitis. They are most common in the southern regions.
Yellow Fever Mosquitoes
This species is dark brown or black with silvery white markings, has six legs, and a long segmented body. It can be found all over the world but is most common in the southern United States.
Ways to Achieve Mosquito Reduction to Avoid Infestations
It is simple to detect a mosquito infestation; if you have bites, they are present. So, here are a few things you can do to reduce them, with a focus on the yard:
- Remove any stagnant water pools near your home.
Mosquitoes of all kinds breed in the remaining water bodies, and their numbers are in the millions. As a result, draining all stagnant pools may be the first solution to getting rid of the eggs before they hatch.
It would be best if you also inspected any areas containing water, such as empty containers, flower pots, tires, and any other vessel that could serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
- Allow mosquito predators to enter your ecosystem.
Certain animals feed on mosquitoes, and when they are included in an ecosystem where mosquitoes are abundant, they can significantly reduce their population. The creatures that can help in mosquito reduction are bats, swallows, and some bird species.
You can attract these animals by placing nests or bird feeders in your yard, and they will feed on the mosquitoes, reducing their population.
- Plant plants that repel mosquitoes.
Lemongrass is a natural mosquito repellent, but it works best when crushed and applied. Overall, the scent of the plants will keep mosquitoes away, preventing them from breeding nearby. Lavender, basil, catnip, and geraniums are some other mosquito and insect repellent plants.
- Cut the grass in your yard.
Mosquitos thrive in dark, shady areas, which could include your yard if the grass is long. With that, you should cut the grass to a short length so that there are no standing pools of water. Arrange all of the items, being careful not to spill any containers that may contain even an ounce of water.
Maintaining a significant reduction of the mosquito population around your property is an ongoing endeavor. We find that maintaining your lawn and being mindful of water around your property will be a tremendous benefit to your effort. If you have any questions about Mosquito Control please feel free to contact us!